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Counselor of the Heart

Spiritual Counselor and Unique Life Coach

You can learn the art of healing at Counselor of the Heart

Leave smiling knowing a way to feel better.

I wouldn't trade what I have come to understand for anything in the world,

and once you know it, dear one, you won't want to trade it for anything either ...

for it will help you immensely on your journey and through all your life experiences.

What will be shared with you is something

that should have been shared with you long ago.

And it should be explained easily and precisely so you understand it.

Your life experience should not be confusing for you to understand and correct. 

You have arrived at Counselor of the Heart Counseling ...

where the Coaching you will receive will take you beyond

what many others are teaching and giving to the people.

You can go conventional which many times takes a long time or doesn't work at all ....

Or you can go Metaphysical and have the answers and solutions

to a better life immediately.

What do I mean by Metaphysical?

It is the solutions from a greater perspective, it is the answers

your angels, guides and or your high self are trying to get you

to discover so you can live the life you desire.

The question is: How long do you want to wait

for the remedy to make things better?

Why do I give you everything you need right away? 

Because that is how I, Unity, would want to receive it!

We will not be taking you through your life experiences to get to the root cause because those feelings and emotions will create

more of what you do not want to experience, metaphysically.

We will be addressing each problem that has been coming up

in your life and you will be shown how you can re-align yourself immediately without going through all the issues over and over.

It is important for you to understand "why" you are having the experiences

you are having because otherwise it is almost impossible to change them into

the experiences you are wanting to have.

A healer that teaches the path to healing.

A counselor that counsels on a higher level.

An advisor that gives the kind of understanding that shows you how to truly make change happen.


I am known as Unity,

I have been a seeker of truth almost all of my life.

Some say I am a people whisperer.  I am an empath and a bridge to a deeper truth, and am honored to give it to you.

You don't need endless sessions, years of study

or ongoing therapy ... you just need a darn good understanding of how to make things better and isn't that what you are hoping for?

Beautiful spirit, it is not by finding the root or cause of why something is happening, for when you do ... you re-live

the problem and emotions tied to that problem and this

adds fuel to bring about the exact experience you don't want to have any longer.

A one time visit with Unity is all you need

to start feeling better and start smiling again.

This is about starting with a new plan - one that brings you joy right away.

The Wisdom & Love shared with you in Session and in my Book,

is from over 50 years of in-depth research

and what I share is the truth on how to make your life better.

You will be given everything you need.

You can deactivate your problem areas.

Turn feeling bad or sad into feeling good.

​Walk away with a way to smile again and keep on smiling.

Author, Spiritual Counselor, Holistic Healer, Unique Life Coach does things differently. 

1. Allow me show you how to genuinely heal, experience happiness and have an amazing life, in an in-depth one and a half hour Session.

2. You can also opt for a short Life Coach Session and receive

the insight you need as things arise in your life.

3. Or you can visit in person and let the Love behind the healing energy given -  re-balance and re-align you -

along with the solutions to walk away feeling awesome.

Learn if what you have been doing is to your advantage

or if you are sabotaging your own heartfelt desires.

Are you tired of repetitive patterns?

Are you wanting to improve your relationships?

Are you wondering how to solve a life struggle?

Are you wanting to know how to make better decisions?

Are you wanting to improve your health?

Are you in crisis?

Are you afraid?

Do you have a troubled teen?

Perhaps speaking to someone who thinks differently would help him or her open up?

Do you want to believe in yourself?

Are you wanting more confidence?

Do you wonder about your life purpose?

If you want to feel more joy or overcome a problem,

whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual ...

this is the place to come to obtain the wisdom, knowledge

and the solution on how do it.

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Spiritual Counselor - Unique Life Coach gives you what you need immediately.

A Life HandBook | Through the Eyes of the Heart - Living Heaven on Earth | Counselor of the Heart

Author of ...

"Through the Eyes of the Heart - Living Heaven on Earth"

Looking for Life Answers?

This book has them, it was created from a great place of Love. 

What will be shared will resonate with your heart. 

It not only has your answers - it has your solutions!

Children's Book - Overcome the feelings of being bullied | Know Who You Are - The Banana Story | Counselor of the Heart

Author of ...

"Know Who You Are - The Banana Story"

Tired of feeling bad or sad because someone has 

teased you, put you down or made you less?

This little Children's Book is for anyone who feels bad because it holds the antidote - a remedy - a way out of that negative dialog going round and round in your head! 

Tools of my Trade

Multifaceted spiritual counselor experienced in multiple modalities.

Alternative & Complimentary Therapies including ...

Ordained Spiritual Minister of Universal Divine Love

The Grandest Love of All

Spirituality & Beyond - Universal Law

Intuitive Interaction

Holistic Healer - Healing the Mind & Body by Awakening to the Soul

Higher Consciousness - Deeper Teachings

Ontology - The Nature of Being

Holistic Medicine - Nutritional and Illness Guidance

Teaching Physical, Mental & Emotional Wellness - 

through Awareness, Positive Thought & Feeling

Reiki Master - Exploration into Alternate Methods of Healing

Reiki Energy Healing - Heart-Thought Consciousness

Guidance Counselor - Spiritual Life Coach - Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Advisor - Guided Meditation

Counseling in all areas of life - both one on one & in group settings​.

Other Training
Certified Lymphologist
Acu-Pressure & Reflexology Guidance
DNA Activation & The Understanding of Higher Knowing
Native American Teachings
Eastern & Complementary Philosophies
Universal Spiritual Energy Activation
Automatic Writing,
Speaking and Recording
Magnetic Therapy Guidance
Personal Fitness Trainer

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Have I helped you along your way? 

Would you like to help us help others? Then please do! 

From my heart ... I thank you!

Disclaimer - Honoring Another's Work
It is my understanding that everything on this website is public domain.
If there has been a mistake and you hold a copyright, please contact me ...
and I will remove your material from my web pages or gladly give you full credit.

From my heart ... Unity

Thank you for visiting and sharing your beautiful energy with us.

Counselor of the Heart

Experience your heart's desire.

​Open to the celebration of what life can truly be.

© 2001 - 2025 Counselor of the Heart - All Rights Reserved.
Author, spiritual counselor, spiritual advisor & life coach teaches a genuine path to enlightenment and healing by giving you

a clear understanding of your life and how to change it.

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